Welcome to the website of the 16th Armored Division Reenactors

We are an ever-growing group of friends united by an interest in military history, uniforms and technology from the period of World War II, especially the American 16th Armored Division, which participated in the liberation of southwestern Bohemia and the city of Plzen in 1945. Our aim is to present military life, technology and events according to the available sources of the time, and thus "resuscitate" history and its important events for the general public as well.
We regularly take part in commemorations of liberation, reconstructions of battles and commemorations of historical events, such as the little-known but important Mission Velichovky. We are the main partners of the city of Plzeň in organising the Liberation Festival Pilsen and we work very closely with the Military History Institute Prague. Another important activity of ours is the collection and renovation of American military equipment.
Even with the rescue and care of these originals, we are able to expand familiarity with the events of World War II, which we should not forget.






Novinky o naší technice

13/08/2018 21:00
Průběžně doplňujeme a aktualizujeme informace o naší technice. Podrobnosti vyhledávejte a čtěte u jednotlivých záložek vlevo. 

Friends Fest, Pardubice, srpen 2018

13/08/2018 20:55
V sobotu 11.8. 2018 během festivalu Friends Fest na pardubickém dostihovém závodišti navštívil americký velvyslanec King tábor naší 16.Obrněné divize. 
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